(02) 529 0946
Mon - Sat 09:00AM - 05:00PM

Reflectorized Traffic Paint

Reflectorized Traffic Paint

Reflectorized Traffic Paint

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: reflectorized traffic paint white, yellow and black are phenolated modified alkyd based coating specially formulated from the best grades of raw materials and glass beads to produce a high performance film coating with excellent abrasion resistance, weatherability, and high retro-reflective



  • Package viscosity (kreb’s stormer) kus @ 30 °C minimum: 90
  • Kilograms per liter, minimum: 1.50
  • Gloss: semi gloss
  • Drying time minutes

Set-to-touch: 30

Dry-to-touch: 1 hour

  • Percent pigmentation including glass beads, maximum: 70%
  • Percent non-volatile vehicle maximum: 20%
  • Glass beads (premixed): 8-15%
  • Gradation % passing

us sieve (microns)

70          (212)      : 100%

80          (186)      : 85-100%

140        (106)      : 15-35%

230         (63)        : 0-10%



  1. The substrate should be free from oil, dirt grease and other foreign materials.
  2. Premix well reflectorized traffic paint to ensure uniformity of the products. The glass beads tend to settle at the bottom of the container.
  3. The product maybe applied by brush or roller
  4. The product maybe reducer to application consistency with traffic paint thinner.
  5. Let dry thoroughly.

PRINCIPAL USES: for interior/exterior walls and asphalt/concrete runaways.

COLORS: white, yellow and black

COVERAGE: 5.0 TO 8.0 square meter/liter per coat.

DRYING TIME: 30 minutes to 1 hour

THINNER: thinner (10-15% by volume if necessary)

SURFACE PREPARATION: substrate and surfaces must be thoroughly dry and clean from all forms of contaminants

APPLICATION: brush, roller, spray or mechanical marker.

PACKAGING: 4 liters, 16 liters and 20 liters.



  1. The substrate should be free from oil, dirt grease and other foreign materials.
  2. Premix well reflectorized traffic paint to ensure uniformity of the products. The glass beads tend to settle at the bottom of the container.
  3. Avoid long storage. If necessary, turn container every thirty days.
  4. The product maybe applied by brush or roller.
  5. The product maybe reducer to application consistency with traffic paint thinner.
  6. Let dry thoroughly.

Achim Services

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(02) 529 0946


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